

GLS Knowhow Centre App

Instantly establish an automated legal knowhow centre

The Problem

Your team does not have instant access to consolidated, approved, maintained and automated knowhow resources.

Related challenges include:

  • team members lack access to the knowhow tools they need to perform
  • your legal dept. has poor documentation brand and consistency issues
  • too much knowledge is located in heads of your team members and is lost when they leave
  • you are not leveraging the full potential of your junior lawyers
  • your team members are maintaining their own unapproved knowledge resources
  • your knowhow resources do not reflect group legal policy
  • the support tools you do have are hard to find and slow to use
  • you lack essential contracting support tools (e.g. templates, clause banks, schedules and checklists)
  • your team does have access to standard legal dept matter management documentation
  • bad templates, checklists, policies, clauses all create systemic deal inefficiencies
  • recycled documents are replicating past mistakes
  • your contract templates could never be automated

Wouldn't it be great if you could plug in a legal tech software application to your SharePoint so that all team members everywhere could access a centrally approved knowledge base of tools and resources that they need to perform.  

The GLS Solution

Macroview Generator™ is an add-in that integrates into your Microsoft Office applications, to enable (amongst other things) instant access your team's authorised Clause Bank.  

Macroview Generator™ (Legal Productivity App) is an essential productivity tool for any legal department looking to instantly boost their productivity through the use of centrally maintained and accessible resources.

Centralized Team Resources | Tech Enabled Access | Simple Deployment | Automation Capability |  Easy Maintenance |  Common Tool Set | Approved Resources

This solution allows all of your lawyers to find the things that they need in seconds and use them straight away with just a few clicks of the mouse. 

This is what we call “diesel legal tech". The sole function of this app is to deliver knowhow were your lawyers need it. Not a long list of useless features.

This solution can be used to instantly create globally accessible, centrally maintained and automated presentation of the following:

  • Clause Banks: approved clause banks for your legal documents reflecting group legal policy
  • Checklists: ensure instant access to the checklists your team needs
  • Legal Templates: a repository for your approved templates - many of which can be automated
  • Automated Maintenance: build templates that can be centrally maintained
  • Standard Dept. Forms: ensure all team members access “standard” and “approved” legal dept. forms
  • Corp Sec: house all the resolutions and associated documents you need
  • Legal Dept. Collateral: approved organigrams, org charts, logos, trademarks, etc.
  • Everything Else: if it should be standardized, centrally located and accessible to all - put it in your GLS Knowhow Centre™

Once installed, the app sits in the ribbon of any of your Microsoft applications. Anything your lawyers need is just a few clicks away. 

Simple to use,  this solution is a software led game changer that allows you to leverage the power of standardization and knowledge, combined with basic automation.

And, it costs the same as a cup of coffee and a muffin per month. 

If you are serious about stepping up the productivity of your team then this solution is a must. 

GLS has made it easy for you to access the content you need. Check out the “Related Solutions” on the right of the screen for a small sample of the world class content modules that you can access and load into the GLS Knowhow Centre™ (Legal Productivity App). 

Request a trial or buy now. 

Problem Solved. 

Solution Deliverables

A Free Trial:if you have Sharepoint and wish to arrange a free trial - please be our guest. We can set you up with the software and some demonstration content to help you trial the solution. 
Per User Licence:

a monthly per user licence provided by the software provider at Macroview. A minimum of 5 licensed users is required.

Extra licences are basically USD10per month, per user.

Knowhow Centre Design:how you arrange your knowhow centre is really important to how effectively it will serve your team. We have developed our best practice knowhow centre folder structure which you can adopt or further customize to your own needs
Implementation Support:we can support your implementation including fielding questions from your IT team, helping with site structuring
Basic User Training:We can provide basic user training that allows all users to be able to efficiently use this solution. 
Advanced Administrator Training:a 90 minute training session where we share a range of best practice tips to help your application administrator make the most of this software. 

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
DELIVERABLESBasicStandardAdvanced Complete
Free Trial
Per User Licence (min X 5)
Basic User Training
Advanced Administrator Training
Annual Price (excl. VAT)$0$599$899$1,499

Pricing Comparison

What could your current legal services provider provide your for $599 dollars? Well, take a look below to see what a traditional law firm would give you. Compare that with the knowledge leveraging total solution that this GLS product offers you.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner $850$5990h 42m
Senior Associate$640$5990h 56m
Blended$520$5991h 09m
Associate$480$5991h 14m
Junior Associate$400$5991h 25m
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