

GLS Start Up - Initial Consultation™

The Problem

Start Ups need access to strong, commercial and practical advice from Day 1. They typically don’t get it because legal advice is expensive… 

Related challenges include:

  • you need advice quickly (who doesn’t it?)
  • what you may think is a simple question may actually be complex
  • you might not know what your legal needs actually are
  • legal support might be a new concept for your Founders
  • there are many other ways you could spend your limited budget
  • it is tempting to overlook legal needs to save money 
  • the cost of traditional law firms can be a challenge

Wouldn’t it be great if on Day 1 you could access seminal advice to map out a basic legal strategy, brainstorm options for some initial issues, and some capacity to move things forward?

The GLS Solution

GLS Start Up - Initial Consultation™ ensures that your start up is not punished by market forces for failing to “measure three times” before you cut the fabric of your future.

Seminal, upfront, paid advice has always been an effective way to ensure that your vital interests are supported and costly mistakes and lost future opportunities are avoided.

We offer an affordable initial consultation that recognises that our input is valuable and is structured to ensure that you can access essential “Day 1 legal thinking”.

During an hour-long consult, we will not only brainstorm answers with you about your initial areas of inquiry, but also walk you through some key considerations to ensure that your Start-up is aware of the key legal issues that will affect it.

You can expect us to check in with you on the following types of issues:

  • Your Business Model 
  • Your Goals
  • Founder Arrangements
  • Funding Plans
  • Key Revenue Contracts
  • Intellectual Property 
  • Employees & Staffing
  • Compliance Issues
  • Online Presence
  • Supply Chain Matters
  • Trading Terms & Conditions
  • Regulatory & Licensing
  • Your Legal Capabilities

All of these issues can give rise to very specific “enabling needs” that require pragmatic, effective and commercial legal input …. AT THE RIGHT TIME. 

Once you have a better sense of your legal priorities, our solution also offers the chance to access the “in-house execution resources” that you will need to address your legal issues. 

Our solution is an extremely cost-effective way to push your legal agenda forward, and it is delivered from a pool of lawyers who are best placed to support your needs. 

Additionally, and to create even more value for you on Day 1, GLS gives you a library of essential legal templates to get your business off to the right start. 

So, hit the ground running – get Day 1 advice right now and access in-house legal support on incredibly efficient terms. 

Solution Deliverables


1hr Consultation

A consultation with a senior corporate and/or commercial lawyer who is an expert on providing start-up legal support.

Our experienced expert will concierge you through your initial issues and guide you through the key “Day 1 considerations” that you must address.

Kickstarter In-House Capacity™ 

Access to affordably priced in-house legal support capacity tiers offered on a strictly one-off purchase basis.

We offer GLS legal support for just US$199 per hour – making it the most cost-effective legal service available. 

Kickstarter Templates™

Access to a limited library of commonly required legal templates is required for your start-up

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
Consult Only
Consult + Kick Start Capacity (5hr)
Consult + Kick Start Capacity (10hr)

Establish your own legal dept with one of our Startup legal support plans


Launch Your Legal Agenda


A watchful eye


A concrete legal dept.


A Startup on the move