

GLS Legal Basics For Non-Lawyers - 101 Training™  (Standard)

Basic legal concepts for non-lawyers

The Problem

Your procurement team is not familiar with some basic legal concepts.

Related challenges include:

  • your team is not identifying basic legal issues relevant to their role
  • knowledge levels vary significantly across the team
  • the legal team is being swamped with queries about the most basic legal issues
  • red flag legal issues are being missed
  • lack of basic legal knowledge is brand diminishing
  • internal training attempts have not succeeded or are not applied consistently
  • training provided by law firms is too expensive and too ad hoc

Basic knowledge of legal principles and theories are the foundation stones for an effective procurement function.

The GLS Solution

GLS Legal 101 Training™ provides effective, cost efficient and scalable training programmes for your procurement team.

GLS Legal 101 Training™ ensures that your procurement team master foundational knowledge of the legal principles, theories and issues needed for better, faster, cheaper and safer contracting to emerge.

GLS Legal 101 Training™ accelerates the learning curve of new team members whilst providing a valuable “refresher” for “old hands”.

GLS Legal 101 Training™ allows for effective, professional reports to be generated and maintained on the knowledge acquisition achieved by attendees.

GLS Legal 101 Training™ is designed and delivered by market leading lawyers, procurement specialists and education experts.

Problem solved.

Solution Deliverables

Workshop:A series of interactive, in-person, workshops for your procurement team.
Reference Manual:A user-friendly training manual packed with reference tools and essential legal concepts.
Checklists:Practical and comprehensive checklists to accompany practical legal concepts.
Quality:Courses are designed and delivered by market-leading lawyers, procurement and education experts.
Bespoke:Specific curriculum structure and content for your business.
Retention:A subsequent participant knowledge retention check report

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
Easy Reference Manual
Client Content
Retention Check

Pricing Comparison

GLS can provide you an essential legal concept knowledge solution for as little as US$990.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner$850$9901h 9m 8s
Senior Associate$640$9901h 33m 2s
Blended$520$9901h 54m 23s
Associate$480$9902h 4m 15s
Junior Associate$400$9902h 28m 50s
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