

GLS IHL Annual/Quarterly Performance Report Templates™

Access the templates you need to efficiently report on legal team performance

The Problem

You are not providing regular reports on the performance of your legal team. 

Related challenges include:

The GLS Solution

GLS IHL Annual/Quarterly Performance Report Templates™ is template based legal team performance reporting solution to help your legal team demonstrate its value contribution to your business.

A high-performance legal dept does not leave it to chance to convey the value that it is making to its business. Doing so is an extremely risky proposition given that much of the teams contribution can beyond the immediate comprehension of non-legal personnel.

This template solution provides you a framework reporting template so that you can efficiently report the performance of your legal team back to your organizations legal department champion and/or the Board on a quarterly / annual basis.

Each template provides a framework of the key areas that a legal team should be reporting against so that:

  • the teams contribution is understood
  • team resource requests are better understood
  • the Board is reliably informed of department progress
  • the Board can invest in the teams performance

Data is the language of business and as such every legal department must be presenting performance data that speaks to achieved team performance levels.

Do not leave it to others to place their value assessment on the performance of your legal team. Do not let the “reporting agenda” of your legal department become the “play thing” of an external consultant or worse, your finance team. 

Get ahead of the curve and take the initiative by preparing and sharing the performance data that best serves your legal team with GLS IHL Annual/Quarterly Performance Report Templates™.

Problem Solved. 

Solution Deliverables

GLS IHL Annual/Quarterly Performance Report Templates™

world class pro-forma reporting templates for your legal dept performance - both quarterly and annual basis. 

Use our templates as the basis of your reporting protocol as you professionalize the operations of your legal team with best practice reporting.

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
Legal Team Performance Reporting Template - Quarterly
Legal Team Performance Reporting Template - Annual
Price (excl. VAT)$299$599

Pricing Comparison

GLS provides a complete solution for $299. What would you get from a typical law firm for this amount? Well, see below.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
PartnerUS$850$2990h 21m
Senior Associate$640$2990h 28m
Blended Rate$520$2990h 34m
Associate$480$2990h 37m
Junior Associate$420$2990h 43m
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