

GLS Highlights™

A 2 page summary of key contract terms

The Problem

No one has a clear view/snapshot of what your contract means.

Related challenges include:

  • you receive a regular flow of questions on contractual meaning/issues
  • the team that negotiated the deal has moved on along with their deal knowledge
  • wading through large contracts to extract key features is hugely time intensive
  • the Board/Risk/Audit Committees want a clear contract summary
  • the contract has hit turbulence – a briefing is needed urgently
  • the capacity of you and your team is permanently stretched
  • there is limited budget for external support and no time to instruct

Who can be relied upon to produce a clear contract position paper quickly and accurately? Right, time to cancel your plans!

The GLS Solution

GLS Highlights™ provides a distilled summary of the key features of any contract, long or short, simple or complex.  Critically, GLS Highlights™ provides an independent and impartial view of what your contract “actually” says.  

At a fraction of the cost of Big Law, GLS Highlights™ removes time and cost as barriers to you accessing a frank, accurate and timely understanding of what any contract means for your business.  

Problem solved.

Solution Deliverables

Summary:Your contract is succinctly summarised.
High-level:We focus on the key contractual features.
User-friendly:Our findings are presented in a visually rich format.
Navigable:Tabulated findings allow instant issue specific navigation and briefing.
Administration:Constitutes an excellent contract briefing tool for your organisation.

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
(Pages <10)
( 10< Pages <30)
(30< Pages <50)

Pricing Comparison

Big Law sells time; GLS provides Solutions. However, if you needed to understand what the cost of our fixed-price Solutions gets you at Big Law, the table below compares GLS Highlights™ Bronze (Short) against Big Law’s hourly rate.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner$850$1990h 14m 3s
Senior Associate$640$1990h 19m 6s
Blended$520$1990h 23m 36s
Associate$480$1990h 25m 27s
Junior Associate$400$1990h 30m 25s
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