

GLS Contracting Help Line™

Instantly check-in with a contracting expert for quick queries

The Problem

You need a contract related question answered quickly.

Related challenges

  • an expert should only take a few minutes to answer the question you have
  • your in-house counsel are not available or do not have capacity
  • now, more than ever, you would like to be able to check in with a legal expert
  • you know formative advice upfront can prevent future problems & costs
  • you think you know the answer but are not 100% sure
  • you would like a second view on an issue
  • you are a sole in-house counsel and would welcome a sounding board
  • law firms are too expensive to use for small queries
  • law firms are too slow to mobilise and engage
  • law firms don't take small, low fee assignments very seriously

Wouldn't it be great if you could reach out to a contracting expert anytime you need for your small queries?

The GLS Solution

GLS Contracting Help Line™ is an extremely disruptive legal support option that helps you address your basic contract queries in near “real time”, without any of the hassle of having to engage a law firm or wait for your in-house counsel to get around to your matter.

GLS Contracting Help Line™ provides immediate access to GLS legal experts and cover all of the major commercial contract issues that are common to businesses – all for an extremely low "per query' fee. All advice is delivered exclusively via the telephone or tele-conference facility. 

GLS Contracting Help Line™ offers you any number of pre-paid, 10 minute consultations that you need (and the more you purchase, the better the rate that we can provide). Your “balance” of consults will remain valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. 

This solutions solves a major obstacles that most teams face when supporting contract negotiations: how to access contracting expertise, in a timely fashion and at a truly economic price point. 

This solution offers particular value if you are committed to ensuring that contract negotiations do not lost momentum.

You can get a quick view on your contract issue by simply booking a convenient 10 minute time slot online, and GLS will call you and answer your queries in real time.

GLS Contracting Help Line™ gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you can access legal input whenever you need it, without worrying about legal costs. 

Problem Solved.

GLS – Law Rewritten

Solution Deliverables



10 Minute Consults:

Book as many telephone consults as permitted by your service tier and gain access to a commercial contract expert for up to 10 minutes per consult. 

Advice is provided solely via the telephone and not in writing. 

Note - documents (including letters and other written communications) cannot be considered or drafted.  This solution is designed solely to allow you to “check in” on an issue. 

If you need more detailed/written support - please consider GLS Overflow - our leading in-house legal support solution. 

Actionable Advice:

GLS experts will give you tangible, business enabling advice rather than abstract, academic theory. 

Subject Experts:

GLS has a wide range of commercial contracting experts capable of covering the business related legal issues that arise in most contracting situations


You can access GLS Managed Legal Services at a discounted rate, to ensure you have all the support you need. All GLS Contracting Helpline™ clients are entitled to tier specific discounts.


Make an appointment at any time via our online booking systems. For “Complete” tier clients you will have access to a dedicated relationship manager. 

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
Consult Package10 Consults20 Consults50 Consults100 Consults
GLS Overflow Discount2.5%5%10%
Dedicated RM Contact
Price (excl.VAT)$799$1,499$2,999$4,999

Pricing Comparison

GLS provides a complete on-demand support solution for as little as $799. What would you get from a typical law firm for this amount? Well, see below.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner$850$7990h 56m
Senior Associate$640$7991h 15m
Blended$520$7991h 31m
Associate$480$7991h 40m
Junior Associate$420$7991h 54m
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