

GLS Case Study™

An A to Z project briefing by way of a case study

The Problem

You need real expertise that you do not have. and you need to do it fast.

Related challenges include:

  • your team has been asked to tackle “new” or “mission critical” deals that test its skill set
  • nothing beats real “coal face” experience – your team does not have it
  • doing research to get up to speed is time consuming
  • there is limited budget for external support
  • you do not have much/any capacity and your team is permanently stretched

The difference between flying blind and with eyes wide open could be as little as a 2 hour case study. How important is this new deal to you?

The GLS Solution

GLS Case Study™ enhances the readiness of your team to tackle new projects through case study based learning. 

With GLS Case Study™ we take your team from the "theory" of doing to the "actuality" of doing. Each GLS Case Study™ explores the kind of project related insights that you would expect from the most experienced specialist project advisors.

By helping you efficiently and effectively navigate a successful project outcome, GLS Case Study™ allows you to drastically reduce your reliance on external advisors. 

At a fraction of the cost of Big Law, GLS Case Study™ removes time and budget as barriers to you preparing your team for that upcoming vital project in no time.

Problem solved.

Solution Deliverables

Ready To Go

Choose from any of the following ready to go case studies:

Structuring a Win Win Outsourcing
Preparing effective Service Level Agreements
Preparing complete and transparent specifications
Driving inter-departmental co-operation and efficiencies
Avoiding unnecessary legal costs
Delivering Managed Service gains
Excluding liability effectively
Caging the beast: A practical guide to data protection
Running efficient procurement practices
Structuring joint ventures for success

Session Introduction:

Session objectives
Session methodology
Facilitator details

Session Notices:

Session formalities (time, date, place, etc)
Outline of session expectations

Background Materials:

We circulate background materials to all attendees
Materials must be reviewed prior to session

Facilitated Session:

One 2 hour facilitated case study session
Delivered at the agreed time and place
Truly focused and interactive - Harvard style

Session Slides:

Case study slides
Consolidated session outcomes (if agreed)

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
ModuleCase Study (1)Case Study (2)Case Study (3)Price (excl VAT)

Pricing Comparison

Big Law sells time; GLS provides solutions. However, if you needed to understand what the cost of our fixed-price solutions gets you at Big Law, the table below compares our Bronze level solution against Big Law’s hourly rates of 5+ PQE Big Law lawyers.

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner$850$1,9992h 21m
Senior Associate$640$1,9993h 7m
Blended$520$1,9993h 50m
Associate$480$1,9994h 9m
Junior Associate$420$1,9994h 59m
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