

Checklist - Data Protection Processing Undertaking

A checklist of key data processing issues

The Problem

Reviewing your customer's data protection undertakings is time consuming and hard.

Related challenges include:

  • third party DPUs are not drafted with your group legal policy in mind
  • third party DPUs will often try to push as much potential liability onto your business as possible
  • anything unfamiliar takes a longer time to review and negotiate
  • it is hard to leverage junior resources on third party paper
  • it is hard to ensure consistency when reviewing third party paper
  • your team is already stretched
  • your team has to sign-off on this third party paper eventually…

Wouldn’t it be good if everyone in your business knew what to look for and could do so efficiently?

The GLS Solution

Data Protection Processing Undertaking - Checklist™ delivers a comprehensive checklist of essential issues, making the rapid review of third-party DPUs a much simpler task.

Data Protection Processing Undertaking - Checklist™ will improve outcomes by ensuring a high-water mark review is carried out super-efficiently each and every time your business is asked to sign a DPU.

Useful to both legal teams and lay-persons, this GLS Checklist™ flags what is important and/or unique in this clause type, and includes a brief explanation as to why.

GLS Checklists™ flag what is a truly “material” risk area and what is not – allowing you to conduct an efficient and proportionate review.  

This is an essentail tool to guard your business from errors of ignorance (mistakes due to not knowing enough), and errors of ineptitude (mistakes due to not using what you know). 

Data Protection Processing Undertaking - Checklist™ instantly helps your team achieve better, faster, cheaper and safer contracting.

Problem solved.

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