

Claims Management Policy™

A framework to develop your claims management policy

The Problem

Your business needs a more strategic and more effective policy for how it manages Dispute Resolutions 

Related challenges include: 

  • your business is getting involved in too many disputes
  • it takes your business too long to resolve disputes
  • dispute resolution is sucking up a disproportionate amount of your budget
  • your existing policy is ad hoc and fragmented
  • you need to build organisation awareness of good practice
  • you want a consistent policy globally
  • you want a policy that is based on common sense and known “best practices”

Wouldn't it be great if you could instantly access a world class Dispute Resolution Policy for your business and implementation support?

The GLS Solution

Claims Management Policy™ delivers to you a world class policy instrument that will allow you to effectively and efficiently manage dispute resolutions at your business.

Claims Management Policy™ enables to instantly deliver to your Board a world class policy that will dramatically reduce your legal costs and improve dispute outcomes. 

Claims Management Policy™ will introduce a range of “best practices” to your organisation in a way that is logical, low risk, low cost and effective.

Claims Management Policy™ is made up of the following chapters. Each chapter can be procured separately, or you can simultaneously take the entire policy at discounted rate:

  • Chapter: Managing Litigation Risk
  • Chapter: Claims Management
  • Chapter: Settlement Policy
  • Chapter: Managing Litigation Counsel

With Claims Management Policy™ you have access to a world class policy “out of the box” - giving you the capacity to focus on bespoke edits needed for your particular business and context.

Alternatively Claims Management Policy™ gives you access to a world-class GLS Legal Operations Consultant to help you ensure the successful implementation of the policy into your business. 

Problem solved.

Solution Deliverables

Single Chapter:Select the Chapter that you think is most needed to augment your existing Dispute Resolution Policy
Whole Policy:Take the whole  Dispute Resolution Policy for a discounted rate
Key Issue Focus:Coverage of the issues that will have tangible impact on your business's dispute resolution practices 
Implementation Consultancy: Assistance from a GLS Legal Operations expert on how to effectively implement this new policy into your organisation and deal with any change management issues.

Solution SLA Options and US$ Pricing

Column oneColumn twoColumn threeColumn fourColumn five
BasicStandard Advanced
Choose any Single Policy Chapter:
Entire Policy
Implementation Consultancy (10hr)
Price (excl. VAT)$4,999$18,999$23,998

Pricing Comparison

GLS can instantly provide you with key element of Dispute Resolution Policy forUS$4,999. What can your law firm deliver you? See below:

Big Law ReviewUS RateGLS CostMinutes
Partner$850$4,99905h 48m
Senior Associate$640$4,99907h 47m
Blended$520$4,99909h 36m
Associate$480$4,99910h 24m
Junior Associate$400$4,99912h 29m
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